Dental Mission Survey

Dental Mission Survey

Please check the box that is most accurate for you concerning short-term, dental missions:

I like dental teaching and mentoring.
Adjusting to change is difficult for me.
Dental trip benefits outweigh the discomforts.
Sharing religious views feels too risky in other cultures.
The risks and hardships impact my involvement.
My priorities do not include helping in other countries.
I relish learning through new experiences.
I like to help disadvantaged people everywhere.
Sending money for missions is better than sending teams.
I embrace socializing and relationship building.
Doing quality portable dentistry seems overwhelming.
Sharing my faith is important to me.
My family and friends don’t encourage my mission trips.
Dental volunteerism helps to revitalize me.
I like adventure and travel.
I’m bothered if people boast about their volunteerism.
I desire to receive spiritual growth on missions.
I often feel guilt over being more blessed than others.
Working on a team is rewarding for me.
Going on a mission would be out of my comfort zone.
Discussing differing beliefs upsets me.
I have little tolerance for inexperienced dental providers.
Influencing others is a goal of my mission activities.
Dental mission trips personally fulfill me.
Confronting sin and evil disturbs me.
Physical contact warms my heart on missions.
Mission expenses are too high for me.
Excessive, unmet dental needs overwhelm me.
Gaining new perspectives on my life is helpful.
Differing team member behaviors/standards conflict me.
I find it emotionally uplifting to help people.
Group dynamics are a major stressor on missions.
Doing right, despite sacrifices, compensates me.
Differing familial and social values intrigue me.
I feel a calling to dental, short-term missions.
Adjusting to change is difficult for me.

Please check all that apply for you.

I prefer dental volunteerism:
I would go on a mission to:
The season for my dental volunteering is:

If you have completed 3 or more dental, short-term missions, and you are willing to participate in a 30-minute interview about short-term, dental missions, please include your name and contact information below